Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ode to Mothers : )

Happy Mothers Day!!!

I have three mothers or categories of mothers that I would like to say something about...

1.  Mommy Dearest!  I LOVE my mom!  I couldn't have asked for a more compassionate, strong and loving mom.  A mom who raised four kids overseas... homeschooled and all!  When I look back on my childhood, what I see are parents who somehow had a call on their life but never cheated their own kids out of their love... that's hard to do.  No matter where we roamed, they always made us feel at home even when that meant dragging crates and boxes all over the world (thanks dad!).  Throughout adolescents and into adulthood, my mom has always been there for me, regardless of how much was going on in her own life (and with working full-time and being a pstr wife, that was a lot!).  I remember when I was in college at Penn State, my mom drove up to take me grocery shopping and spend the day with me... she had an appointment for work about an hour and a half away but claimed that it wasn't that far out of her way... who does that?  MY MOM!  I love you mom... Happy Mother's Day!

2.  The mom's of Chn.  I have seen some hard things here, but it would be an injustice to not report on the amazing stories and most of the heart warming stories involve an amazing mom.  At the various rehab centers that I've worked in, I have met so many mom's that have done the ultimate act of love... they have kept their children despite their severe disabilties.  This may not seem that impressive to us because we are raised in a society that thinks differently... but trust me, their choice is the most loving, brave and sacrificial decision I have ever seen.  These mom's have endured the ridicule of their families and their community... some have even lost their husbands over the decision.  Their choice to keep their child is sacrificial because they are giving up access to a normal life, they are giving up on the dream of having a "normal" child and in a lot of situations, they are making a decision that will isolate them from their community.  May G0d honor and bless these moms for their love.

3.  Foster moms.  I am humbled to spend Mother's Day with a women who (with her husband) has fostered 78 babies... SEVENTY-EIGHT!!!  I made the comment today that I felt like we were playing "whack a mole."  They currently have a two month old, four month old, six month old, seven month old, two year old and six year old.  A couple of them have a virus so they are a little cranky... I would be holding one and then hear another one cry so I would put the one down to get the second one and the first one would start up again : )   It's not easy having so many little ones!  It's sort of a long story, but it was basically my trip back to Guiyang 3 years ago that made me truely believe in G0d again.  When you see love that is so selfless, you see G0d.  
When I think about the people that foster children, I am humbled by their love... they make the decision to love kids as if they are their own and then they say good-bye to them... I can't even imagine how hard that must be.   May G0d give them strength when they grow weary.  

Happy Mother's Day everyone!  

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